Our Services


SoNE HEALTH provides a variety of educational materials and resources for our provider network to better understand the nuances of acuity documentation and risk coding.  Creating tip sheets and pocket guides help keep the information at the providers’ fingertips and partnering to offer ongoing educational programs and Continuing Medical Education (CME) courses allows for more in-depth learning opportunities.

Audits and Chart Abstractions

Our Risk Coding Specialist performs documentation audits  and delivers feedback and education to providers one-on-one based on the findings. Chart audits are a good way to provide specific examples of how specific documentation translates to the most appropriate ICD-10 code on the claim.  Additionally, we complete medical record requests that come from our payor partners for risk adjustment purposes, abstracting and sending charts as needed.

Pre-Visit Prep

We offer various tools and office support to help with prepping for a patient’s upcoming appointment.  We work with our provider offices to offer support as needed, and these services can include providing face-sheets for morning huddles or pre-visit planning forms with a listing of open conditions and quality gaps, updating and maintaining patient problems lists in the EMR, or even queueing up the visit template for the appointment.